Sunday, October 20, 2013


In the past year and a half I've really turned my physical life around.  I was 30 lbs heavier than I wanted to be and could barely make it up a few flights of stairs.  I don't know what clicked to be honest, I just saw myself in the mirror one morning and knew I didn't want to look like that anymore, and knew I didn't have to.  I completely changed my eating habits and woke up between 5:00 - 5:30 am almost every day to hit the gym.  And trust me, I hit it hard.  Eventually it went to the next level; jogging, yoga and pilates classes, boot camp style classes.  Anything I had time to do, I did it.

Then I got a stress fracture in my foot, well maybe, but that's another post.  Things started to slow down a bit but I had lost all the weight I wanted to and then I moved away!  Four months ago Boyfriend and I signed up for a gym.  This is his first experience working out and he's doing so amazingly.  I want to take both of our workout experiences to the next level.  What is the next level?  A 5k!

A friend of mine mentioned interval training so I searched around and found one that was not rushed, it goes at a nice 9 week pace and the first 3 days seemed fairly do-able. Today was day 1 and let me tell you, 1 minute running, 1.5 minutes walking, repeating for twenty minutes is tougher than it looks.  Before this I was up to 1.5 miles running straight through so I thought this first day of interval training would be a piece of low-calorie cake.  I really worked up a sweat and poor Boyfriend had to sit down for a few minutes afterwards.  All and all I think it will be a really productive 9 weeks...


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