Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Milk Crate Bookshelf

Have you seen these bookshelves made out of milk crates?

I love them, and we've been in desperate need of a bookshelf around here.  The crates are only 14 bucks at Michael's and they give out coupons like candy on Halloween. So far I've purchased 3 crates for $25 and a tube of chocolate brown paint for $10.

I think staining the crates would come out really nicely and take a bit less time but I don't have the space for that.  I used Basics acrylic paint in burnt umber.

I only did a light coat because I wanted the grain of the wood to show.  It gives the appearance that it's stained instead of painted.  I'll show you the finished project when I get around to actually finishing it, but I have about umpteen projects going on at the moment.  

Here's what I have done so far...

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