Saturday, October 12, 2013

Wristlets: My First Project

Crocheting is a great way to make some personal items that come in handy for the cold weather days.  However, my new warmer environment limits that usage. So! Christmas will be a breeze this year. Scarves, hats and gloves will be finding their way to New York in a couple months.

After practicing some basic stitches repeatedly I attempted my first project.  I thought gloves or mittens would be beyond me so I searched YouTube and  found the perfect project. Wristlets.

I used a medium yarn that I purchased at Michaels.

My first attempt was pretty much....bad.  I don't know about other beginning crocheters, but my natural instinct was to pull tight.  So even though I measured the length out it ended up being nearly impossible to get over my hand.  And the pattern in the stitch wasn't quite visible
So I tried again.  This time going against my instinct to pull tight, instead I pulled away with each stitch to keep it loose.  The final project was not only much easier to get on, but it looks great. I'm a big fan of the bulkier look.

It's just a simple double crochet in the back loop only.  I love how they turned out and I've used this back loop stitch a few more times in other projects.

Now, what to make to match the wristlets?

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